Educational Programs

This is a few of the programs I have written for use in my classes and my personal use. Some of these programs run under Windows and require a copy of VBRUN300.DLL. If you don't already have a copy of this, download it and put it into your windows\system directory

[icon] Cottrell
A program to display an animated plot of the current and concentration profiles for a Cottrell-type potential step experiment. It includes displays of linear and spherical diffusion models
[icon] Simshow
A program to display an animated plot of the current and concentration profiles for a digital simulation of a cyclic voltammogram. It uses a linear diffusion model with provision for varying the model kinetic parameters
[icon] CV_SIM2
A research grade program to calculate cyclic voltammetric simulations. It includes the capability to simulate variable temperature and the the effect of iR drop and charging current. DOS based
[icon] SIM_EC
A research grade program to calculate cyclic voltammetric simulations. It includes the capability to include coupled chemical steps and also to simulate the effect of iR drop and charging current. DOS based
[icon] MindProbe
A clone of the MasterMind board game with my own special touches
[icon] Hopalong
Make cool patterns, dude.

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Last modified September 03, 2002